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Sismo Connect
minting process

Private Minting

Sismo Connect lets you prove your eligibility for the Mergooor Pass and mint it on any wallet. The Data Source used to prove your eligibility will not be revealed in the process.

ZK Proof of Eligibility

You will be directed to Sismo to generate a ZK proof of eligibility from your Data Source. After generating the proof, you simultaneously receive the Mergooor Pass in a single transaction.


Your Mergooor Pass is account-bound (derivation of soulbound). This means that they are bound to your Data Source. If you lose access to your destination account, you can burn and remint your Mergooor Pass and ZK Badge to another account using Sismo Connect. However, burning and reminting will link the two destination accounts.

merger pass

Mergooor Pass

The Mergooor Pass is a Non-Transferable NFT (ZK
Mergooor Pass minters prove their eligibility via a privacy-preserving scheme utilizing ZK proofs.
-SBT) received by contributors to The Merge.
merger pass
Are you a contributor to The Merge?
Minting process
Sismo Connect
minting process

Private Minting

Sismo Connect lets you prove your eligibility for the Mergooor Pass and mint it on any wallet. The Data Source used to prove your eligibility will not be revealed in the process.

ZK Proof of Eligibility

You will be directed to Sismo to generate a ZK proof of eligibility from your Data Source. After generating the proof, you simultaneously receive the Mergooor Pass in a single transaction.


Your Mergooor Pass is account-bound (derivation of soulbound). This means that they are bound to your Data Source. If you lose access to your destination account, you can burn and remint your Mergooor Pass and ZK Badge to another account using Sismo Connect. However, burning and reminting will link the two destination accounts.

Sismo Connect

Privacy-preserving claiming process
ZK-Prove from Data Source
Prove your eligibility for the Mergooor Pass
zk-connectSign in with Sismo
Privacy: Generate a ZK proof of eligibility on Sismo and claim your Pass
Add destination address
Add an Ethereum address to receive your NFT on
Claim to destination account
Where will you mint your Mergooor Pass?
No gas fees: You can use a new wallet
Account-bound: If your destination is lost, you will be able to burn and remint
Not available on mobile yet
zk-proofProve with Sismo
Privacy: Prove you are eligible from a source account while preserving your privacy
claim your pass
Choose any destination
Account-bound: If your destination is lost, you will be able to burn and remint
Built by Sismo